8:00 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Nurturing a Knowledge Exchange Forum With Subject Matter Experts

8:10 am Developing a Culture of Continuous Learning Where Knowledge Sharing & Retention Is Prioritized to Increase Adoption


  •  Communicating how new knowledge management systems and learning and development initiatives will enhance employee efficiency
  • Addressing the barriers that prevent employees from utilizing available knowledge such as lack of awareness, accessibility issues, or perceived relevance to ensure these processes can be adopted as part of their regular work routine
  • Identifying company change-agents that will champion initiatives to gain support and enthusiasm for a knowledge-based culture 

8:50 am Identifying Your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) Who Can Facilitate Knowledge Transfer

  • Kate Vilches Knowledge Management Lead, Ulteig Engineers Inc


  • Identifying who qualifies as an expert based on their experience and who will actively participate in the program
  • Maintaining a database of experts that can be easily accessed by employees to drive employee-SME interaction
  • Facilitating open communication channels between SMEs and employees seeking help for more efficient problem-solving and insight-sharing

10:00 am Speed Networking & Morning Refreshments

10:40 am Improving the Efficiency of Knowledge Capture From Busy SMEs

  • Megan Fox Senior Program Manager, Operations Development, Cupertino Electric Inc.


  • Asking the right questions to capture the most critical, at-risk knowledge within limited timeframes to safeguard potential knowledge gaps while working with SMEs under time constraints
  • Evaluating the best content management systems to effectively gather critical knowledge from SMEs that is readily available for use
  • Ensuring experts can effectively train employees to facilitate knowledge transfer when this falls outside their job description

11:20 am Panel: Building & Sustaining Communities of Practice to Promote a Diversity of Knowledge That Will Drive Organizational Success


  •  Establishing a definitive purpose for each community of practice discussion to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Moderating discussions within the community of practice to ensure they remain focused, productive, and aligned with organizational goals
  • Capturing a wide range of perspectives and insights and making them readily available to the wider organization
  • Sharing the business outputs of these discussions with SMEs so they recognize its value and remain actively engaged in the community, further promoting continuous learning

12:00 pm Lunch Break

Optimizing Knowledge Access With Artificial Intelligence

1:00 pm Audience Discussion: Implementing AI for Content Search to Efficiently Deliver Relevant Results


  •  Discussing how peers are improving access to project documentation, including the use of enterprise search and project-specific search functionalities
  • Sharing how AI-powered solutions can be used to organize, sort, tag, and search information, streamlining the process of extracting, organizing, and delivering insights from manuals and documents
  • Considering the importance of data governance, taxonomy, and uniformity policies to facilitate future AI integration

1:40 pm Case Study: Setting Up AI-Assisted Learning Chatbots for Simplified Information Retrieval


  • Enabling instant access to previous project data to find solutions to current challenges
  • Connecting user queries and knowledge experts to provide real-time assistance
  • Integrating existing knowledge resources to ensure the most relevant information is stored within the chatbot system to improve project decision-making

Improving Knowledge Capture Techniques

2:20 pm Case Study: Gaining Field Team Buy-in for Knowledge Capture Initiatives to Achieve Consistent Project Success


  • Educating the field team on the value of knowledge capture initiatives to ensure their knowledge is captured accurately, and is preserved and transferable
  • Designing simplified knowledge capture processes such as forms, spreadsheets, or checklists that are easy for field personnel to use, minimizing barriers to participation
  • Engaging early adopters who are willing to champion the initiative to drive broader acceptance and usage

3:00 pm Afternoon Refreshments

3:40 pm Case Study: Implementing Project Retrospectives to Capture Lessons Learned & Drive Future Project Improvements


  • Understanding the process and benefits of conducting after action reviews to capture insights, lessons learned, and best practices
  • Determining which projects require a full retrospective to ensure they are valuable and improve project outcomes
  • Collecting and analyzing data at the end of a project to inform future decision-making • Setting clear expectations and metrics for implementing lessons learned from past projects into future projects to drive meaningful change

Managing & Organizing Knowledge Content

4:20 pm Developing a Content Management Strategy to Maintain an Organized & Accessible Inventory of Resources


  • Defining clear procedures and ownership for creating, reviewing, and updating documentation to build a structured approach to content management
  • Structuring and organizing content management systems including taxonomy structure, indexing, and version control to ensure resources are intuitive and accessible
  • Directing users to a single entry point for knowledge when working with multiple tools
  • Centralizing sensitive or confidential content within a knowledge management system, ensuring access is restricted to authorized individuals

5:10 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks