Pre Conference Workshop Day

Monday 16th September 2024

Advance Your Knowledge Strategy & Ecosystem

9:00 am Check-In, Refreshments, & Networking

Workshop A

10:00 am Building Your Knowledge Management Framework to Prioritize Knowledge Retention & Employee Development


For growing companies without an established knowledge management system, this workshop is designed to provide you with the necessary tools and strategies to initiate and implement a robust knowledge management framework.

• Positioning a knowledge management program to leadership as a strategic priority to gain their-buy in: How do you articulate and align your initiative with you firm’s business objectives to justify the investment?

• Exploring models, structures, and frameworks for organizing knowledge management processes to produce a more formalized and scalable system

• Promoting your new system within the organization to ensure widespread adoption and usage

Workshop B

1:00 pm Maintaining a Sustainable Knowledge Management Program to Ensure Consistent Adoption

  • Nick Pugliesi Web Developer, Perkins Eastman Architects
  • Beth Baxendale Senior Associate and Knowledge Resource Manager, Perkins Eastman Architects


Launching a knowledge management program is just the beginning; sustaining Workshop Leaders: it requires ongoing support and strategic evolution. Perkins Eastman has successfully maintained their knowledge management program for over 20 years. Join Beth and Nick as they share proven strategies for keeping your program successful and innovative.

• Articulating the importance of knowledge management to secure ongoing support

• Integrating new features and functionalities gradually, fostering user engagement and acceptance while minimizing disruption

• Empowering employees to take ownership of knowledge sharing to foster collaboration across departments

• Evaluating the effectiveness of knowledge management initiatives, adapting to organizational changes, and staying ahead of emerging technologies like AI.

Advance Your Knowledge Management Strategy & Ecosystem

3:00 pm Afternoon Refreshments

Workshop C

3:30 pm Creating & Sharing Engaging & User-Friendly Knowledge Resources to Increase Employee Engagement

  • Greg Duncan Learning and Development Program Manager, Ryan Co


This workshop is your opportunity to learn innovative strategies for crafting and disseminating knowledge resources to captivate your target audience and enhance knowledge retention.

• Defining your organizational goals as it relates to knowledge management

• Documenting user stories that detail how knowledge is accessed in the task workflow

• Designing user interfaces that maximize visibility to align with organizational goals and workflow processes and designing document templates that emphasize key takeaways for easy navigation

• Conducting user testing to identify navigation challenges and areas for improvement

• Leveraging SharePoint tools creatively to develop interfaces that are easy to maintain and maximize engagement

5:30 pm End of Workshop Day